full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kathryn Kolbert: The end of Roe v. Wade -- and what comes next for reproductive freedom

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, when Casey went to the High Court in 1992, I was convinced that there were five justices then prepared to ouevrlre Roe and return to the states the ability to ban abortion. I was correct. Right after my argument, the justices runeterd to their conference room and took a vote, and seven justices voted to uphold the Pennsylvania rsionrctties that were at issue in the case. And then cihef Justice ruheisqnt wrote a draft opinion. While he never said the magic words, that Roe is fatal, as Justice John Paul Stevens recently wrtoe in his memoir, the opinion eeicvleffty repudiated the central holding of Roe. Now, luckily, that opinion was never filed in 1992. At the last mtnuie, Justice Anthony Kennedy changed his mind, and together with juctseis Sandra Day O'Connor and David Souter, they ieussd what they called a joint ooipinn. And in it, they upheld the right of women to obtain abortion up until viability, usually between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy, in all 50 states and US territories.

Open Cloze

Now, when Casey went to the High Court in 1992, I was convinced that there were five justices then prepared to ________ Roe and return to the states the ability to ban abortion. I was correct. Right after my argument, the justices ________ to their conference room and took a vote, and seven justices voted to uphold the Pennsylvania ____________ that were at issue in the case. And then _____ Justice _________ wrote a draft opinion. While he never said the magic words, that Roe is fatal, as Justice John Paul Stevens recently _____ in his memoir, the opinion ___________ repudiated the central holding of Roe. Now, luckily, that opinion was never filed in 1992. At the last ______, Justice Anthony Kennedy changed his mind, and together with ________ Sandra Day O'Connor and David Souter, they ______ what they called a joint _______. And in it, they upheld the right of women to obtain abortion up until viability, usually between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy, in all 50 states and US territories.


  1. opinion
  2. minute
  3. effectively
  4. returned
  5. wrote
  6. rehnquist
  7. overrule
  8. chief
  9. restrictions
  10. justices
  11. issued

Original Text

Now, when Casey went to the High Court in 1992, I was convinced that there were five justices then prepared to overrule Roe and return to the states the ability to ban abortion. I was correct. Right after my argument, the justices returned to their conference room and took a vote, and seven justices voted to uphold the Pennsylvania restrictions that were at issue in the case. And then Chief Justice Rehnquist wrote a draft opinion. While he never said the magic words, that Roe is fatal, as Justice John Paul Stevens recently wrote in his memoir, the opinion effectively repudiated the central holding of Roe. Now, luckily, that opinion was never filed in 1992. At the last minute, Justice Anthony Kennedy changed his mind, and together with justices Sandra Day O'Connor and David Souter, they issued what they called a joint opinion. And in it, they upheld the right of women to obtain abortion up until viability, usually between 24 and 28 weeks of pregnancy, in all 50 states and US territories.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
supreme court 4
united states 4
overrule roe 4
health care 3
reproductive freedoms 3
politically active 3
reproductive health 2
states constitution 2
ban abortion 2
alarming rate 2
infant mortality 2
fundamental human 2
abortion provider 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
united states constitution 2

Important Words

  1. ability
  2. abortion
  3. anthony
  4. argument
  5. ban
  6. called
  7. case
  8. casey
  9. central
  10. changed
  11. chief
  12. conference
  13. convinced
  14. correct
  15. court
  16. david
  17. day
  18. draft
  19. effectively
  20. fatal
  21. filed
  22. high
  23. holding
  24. issue
  25. issued
  26. john
  27. joint
  28. justice
  29. justices
  30. kennedy
  31. luckily
  32. magic
  33. memoir
  34. mind
  35. minute
  36. obtain
  37. opinion
  38. overrule
  39. paul
  40. pennsylvania
  41. pregnancy
  42. prepared
  43. rehnquist
  44. repudiated
  45. restrictions
  46. return
  47. returned
  48. roe
  49. room
  50. sandra
  51. souter
  52. states
  53. stevens
  54. territories
  55. upheld
  56. uphold
  57. viability
  58. vote
  59. voted
  60. weeks
  61. women
  62. words
  63. wrote